DIY: Do it yourself!
English project in secondary
Nowadays, knowledge is at our fingertips and students are no longer just consumers of information—they’re creators, innovators, and teachers
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DIY: Do it yourself!
English project in secondary
Nowadays, knowledge is at our fingertips and students are no longer just consumers of information—they’re creators, innovators, and teachers Sigue leyendo →
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Bulletin board in secondary
The topic ‘Change your words, change your mindset’ is an excellent way to motivate students to reflect on the importance of positive language in their daily lives. Sigue leyendo →
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La Olimpiada de biología es un evento que les da a los estudiantes una gran oportunidad de conocer más sobre la biología, profundizar en diversos temas y convivir con otros estudiantes con un interés en común.
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RecreArte es una espacio voluntario de expresión artística durante los recreos, que invita a las alumnas, alumnos y docente a realizar actividades plásticas, Sigue leyendo →
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El Colegio Madrid como parte fundamental de la formación de sus estudiantes, ha desarrollado desde sus inicios Prácticas de Campo.
Dicha actividad tiene como objetivo formar de manera Sigue leyendo →
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Our Music Festival
Learning a language also involves exploring and eventually appropriating the culture in which that language is immersed. Music festivals imply knowledge of a universal culture Sigue leyendo →
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Our bulletin board in secondary
This time our bulletin board is meant to celebrate friendship. Valentine’s Day is often a celebration of love, but it’s also a beautiful reminder of the Sigue leyendo →
“When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities, and so on. When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel Sigue leyendo →
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Hello January
Happy Chapter 1!
It is mind blowing to think that life has chapters just like books. Coming back from the winter break is the perfect occasion to invite our Sigue leyendo →