Reflecting on the Video-Podcast Project: A Unique Learning Experience
This bimester, our high school students carried out a Video-Podcast Project, a collaborative endeavor designed to enhance
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Reflecting on the Video-Podcast Project: A Unique Learning Experience
This bimester, our high school students carried out a Video-Podcast Project, a collaborative endeavor designed to enhance Sigue leyendo →
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DIY: Do it yourself!
English project in secondary
Nowadays, knowledge is at our fingertips and students are no longer just consumers of information—they’re creators, innovators, and teachers Sigue leyendo →
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El pasado 26 de febrero, como parte de la asignatura de movimiento y expresión, las alumnas y alumnos de 4°, 5° y 6° realizaron sus “Prácticas Escénicas”.
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Bulletin board in secondary
The topic ‘Change your words, change your mindset’ is an excellent way to motivate students to reflect on the importance of positive language in their daily lives. Sigue leyendo →
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How do you feel?
A «How Do You Feel?» bulletin board is a wonderful interactive tool designed for first and second graders to help them identify and express their emotions. The board features Sigue leyendo →
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Parts of the body
Teaching parts of the body in English through games and interactive activities makes learning fun, and increases motivation and participation.
It improves vocabulary retention Sigue leyendo →
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Integrated Learning classes
The Integrated Learning classes at our primary have been very successful. Although it was a challenge at the beginning, the results obtained show that the primary Sigue leyendo →
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Prepare for the exam
During secondary school, students prepare during the three years to take their B1 level qualification with Cambridge in their final year.
Throughout this time, they use different Sigue leyendo →
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Our Music Festival
Learning a language also involves exploring and eventually appropriating the culture in which that language is immersed. Music festivals imply knowledge of a universal culture Sigue leyendo →
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Our bulletin board in secondary
This time our bulletin board is meant to celebrate friendship. Valentine’s Day is often a celebration of love, but it’s also a beautiful reminder of the Sigue leyendo →